A simple genotyping procedure without DNA extraction to identify rare blood donors
M. Silvy, J.-C. Brès, A. Grimaldi, C. Movia, V. Muriel, F. Roubinet, J. Chiaroni and P. Bailly - 09/04/2015
Dissecting alternative splicing in the formation of Miltenberger glycophorin subtype III (GYP.Mur)
K. Hsu, C.-C. Yao, Y.-C. Lin, C.-L. Chang and T.-Y. Lee - 06/03/2015
Gene conversion events between GYPB and GYPE abolish expression of the S and s blood group antigens
A. Willemetz, J. Nataf, V. Thonier, T. Peyrard and L. Arnaud - 04/03/2015
Sécurité immunologique des transfusions
Jean-Yves Muller, Jacques Chiaroni, Olivier Garraud - 02/02/2015
A novel mutation of the GATA site in the erythroid cell-specific regulatory element of the ABO gene in a blood donor with the AmB phenotype
A. Oda, K. Isa, K. Ogasawara, K. Kameyama, K. Okuda, M. Hirashima, H. Ishii, K. Kimura, H. Matsukura - 30/12/2014
Apport du génotypage érythrocytaire à l'immuno-hématologie receveur à travers trois années d'activité à l'EFS Alpes-Méditerranée
M. Silvy, L. Filosa, J. Chiaroni, P. Bailly - 11/12/2014
Immunisation anti-érythrocytaire et anti-HLA au cours des hémoglobinopathies
N. Ben Salah, W. El Borgi, F. Ben Lakhal, M. Ben Mansour, E. Gouider, Y. Gorgi, R. Bardi, B. Zoueri, - 11/12/2014
PCR-free blood group genotyping using a nanobiosensor
D. Brouard, O. Ratelle, J. Perreault, D. Boudreau, and M. St-Louis - 03/12/2014
Lewis histo-blood group system phenotyping and genotyping reveal divergence in the association of Le(a-b-) phenotype and type 1 diabetes
M. Previato, M. P. Borim, R. D. R. Liberatore Jr, A. C. Pires, M. A. F. Dias, C. C. Brandão de Matto - 03/12/2014