RHD foetal sur plasma maternel : validation de méthode sur 200 patientes
E. Guinchard, P. Bricca, S. Monnier, D. Rigal - 03/03/2014
JK null alleles identified from Japanese individuals with Jk(a-b-) phenotype
T. Onodera, K. Sasaki, H. Tsuneyama, K. Isa, K. Ogasawara, M. Satake, K. Tadokoro, M. Uchikawa - 12/12/2013
Iron status in infants with alloimmune haemolytic disease in the first three months of life
M. E. A. Rath, V. E. H. J. Smits-Wintjens, D. Oepkes, F. J. Walther and E. Lopriore - 01/11/2013
Acute haemolytic reaction due to anti-Wb: a case report
T. Wright, P. Brown, I. Marais and F. S. Hong - 01/11/2013
Anti-Emm in a pregnant patient - case report
M. M. Wagner, F. M. Dunné, I. Kuipers, N. Thornton, C. C. Folman, G. A. Ponjee, D. Oepkes - 25/10/2013