Délivrance en urgence des produits sanguins labiles à partir des dépôts de sang
S. Schlanger, G. Daurat - 02/12/2013
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in transfusion medicine: the unknown risks
R. O. Francis, J. S. Jhang, H. P. Pham, E. A. Hod, J. C. Zimring and S. L. Spitalnik - 01/11/2013
Allergic transfusion reactions to platelets are more commonly associated with prepooled than apheresis components
W. Xiao, C. A. Tormey, A. Capetillo and R. W. Maitta - 01/11/2013
A UK single-centre survey of red cell antibodies in adult patients undergoing liver transplantation
M. Mushkbar, E. Watkins and H. Doughty - 01/11/2013
Red cell storage in E-Sol 5 and Adsol additive solutions: paired comparison using mixed and non-mixed study designs
K. Radwanski, M. Thill, K. Min - 25/10/2013
Proteomic analysis of the supernatant of red blood cell units: the effects of storage and leucoreduction
M. Dzieciatkowska, C. C. Silliman, E. E. Moore, M. R. Kelher, A. Banerjee, K. J. Land, M. Ellison, F - 01/10/2013